Free your Spirit

This beautiful festival was born of a dream that Charlotte Saint Jean had many moons ago. A festival that would bring together women of all walks of life interested in one thing ) being the most authentic version of themselves. The Women’s Spirit Festival invites women to come together, share, move, dance, breath, be. To unleash the wild creative spirit within.

The festival now has it’s home in Vaison la Romaine, Provence & this year open’s it’s doors the weekend of 16th – 18th May 2025. Charlotte & Catherine Declercq are the custodians of this festival sharing their soul sister journey with the shining light of festival Godmother, Natasha St Pier. The festival is a celebration of trust, faith, love, womanhood, in an atmosphere of non judgment, kindness and gratitude.

16TH & 18TH MAY 2025

Women Have Spirit

Created by women for women

Women are facing a real need. Consciously or unconsciously. We have this feeling that we need to manage everything, all the time and all on our own. We are several women in one body – mother, muse, businesswoman, head of the family, sportswoman, taxi driver, friend, confident. The list is long!

This is such a beautiful weekend of yoga, dance, music, shared moments, workshops, chanting & mantra, and most importantly time for you!

Our ambition : to create a relaxed atmosphere and a powerful space
in a unique building. International teachers share their passion, their experience and their styles. Sharing, teaching, guiding, to grow within
each of us and in our femininity…

Share, Practice, Together

Calendar for 2023/24

We are organising various events over the next 18 months so stay tuned

Calendar 2025

Stength in Community

We organise  monthly new moon meditations online. Free for all WSF members. To join it’s here


Our annual festival will be held in Vaison la Romaine 16th – 18th May 2025.


A Women’s Spirit Retreat  is held each year. Dates for 2025 will be released in January 2025

A Festival to Celebrate our Shakti Energy

Keep your hand in society & the heart in the Divine

Bhagavad Gita


Celebrating the wild, creative wisdom! Yoga, Wellbeing and Dance to celebrate and honour women of all styles, cultures, shapes and characters.


Moments of music, dance, drum beat journies
and caco ceremonies


Deep meditation and mindfullness practices
to welcome the silence within.

Sacred Circles & Original Song

Celebrating the sacred sound of our voice in shared moment together! Tuning into the inner guidance and the intuitive path

Feed Your Body

Some incredible yummy food at the festival


Some beautiful things to go with
beautiful people

Tickets & Information

Buy your discounted pre event tickets/passes


Access to all classes, masterclasses, conferences and workshops. More Information

Multi Class Tickets

Access to one or more class

Single Class Entry

Just one class interests you – no problem

The Women’s Spirit Festival invites women to come together, share, move, dance, breath, be. To unleash the wild creative spirit within.

Copyright ©2023 Women’s Spirit Festival